CellProfiler is free, open-source software for quantitative analysis of biological images.
Software Title Tags
Software Titles Tagged "Data Analysis"
DEEPSOIL is a unified 1D equivalent linear and nonlinear site response analysis platform. Main features include: Strength-controlled nonlinear model Frequency-independent damping formulation Porewater pressure generation and dissipation models Graphical user interface Parallel-processing capability
Gephi is a tool for data analysts and scientists keen to explore and understand graphs. Like Photoshop™ but for graph data, the user interacts with the representation, manipulate the structures, shapes and colors to reveal hidden patterns. The goal is to help data analysts to make hypothesis, intuitively discover patterns, isolate structure singularities or faults during data sourcing. It is a complementary tool to traditional statistics, as visual thinking with interactive interfaces is now recognized to facilitate reasoning. This is a software for Exploratory Data Analysis, a paradigm appeared in the Visual Analytics field of research.